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Progress Timeline

Over the years, we’ve made substantial progress toward our ESG goals.


Hired a Dedicated Internal DEI Resource
We're focused on creating clarity around our overall goals and commitments and developing the action plans needed to get us there.


Partnered with Project Destined
This expanded our early-career outreach and talent diversity efforts.


Reevaluated Philanthropic Program
We used this opportunity to identify key ways to advance DEI while investing in our communities.

Joined MLT’s Black Equity Certification Program
Regency was the first REIT to receive plan approval under this program, which will help increase diversity across our organization.

Partnered with University of North Florida
As we scale up our hiring efforts across traditional channels, this partnership will help expand our early-in-career outreach and talent diversity.


CEO signs Action for Diversity & Inclusion Pledge
Lisa Palmer is one of the thirty-one female CEOs in the S&P 500, setting a clear “tone at the top” commitment.


Set New Record with Employee Giving
Our employees 
clocked in approximately 3,000 volunteer hours and a record-breaking donation total of roughly $1.7 million. This includes a dollar-for-dollar corporate match of additional charitable donations from our employees.


Record-Breaking Donations and Volunteer Hours
We clocked in 1,850 volunteer hours and donations totaling $1.5 million.


New OuRCommunities Program Recipients Named
Three organizations will receive financial support:

  • Quigley House, an advocacy and education group focused on survivors of domestic abuse
  • Blessings in a Backpack, an initiative dedicated to food-insecure households requiring assistance outside of school-provided meals
  • Comfort Zone Camp (CZC), a nonprofit bereavement organization for children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, primary caregiver, or person of significance


Started the OuRCommunities Philanthropy Program
This effort affords our employees the opportunity to participate in selecting an organization to receive a gift to support a cause that is important to them and that makes a difference in our communities.


Added Board Member with Extensive Experience in Managing ESG Strategy
The addition of Kristin Campbell enhances the Board’s collective expertise and broadens this knowledge base across Regency’s entire board.


Reviewed Progress Against ESG Objectives
Our compensation committee measured both quantitative and qualitative goals, determining that the executive team achieved their objectives in this area.


Added ESG Compensation Metric
This was implemented as a key component of our Named Executive Officers’ annual incentive program (valued at 20%).


Launched Green Building and Green Lease Task Forces
The building task force will reignite Regency's Green Building Certification Program while the lease task force will advocate with tenants for more robust green lease provisions.


Developed a Net Zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG Goal
We also set an interim Science-based goal endorsed by SBTi.


Introduced Property-Level Climate Risk Reports
This is now part of our due diligence process for all new investments.


Developed and implemented the Tenant Sustainability Guide.


Developed Our Own Green Building Standard
Our standards ensure all of our construction projects operate more efficiently.


Set Initial 10-Year Environmental Targets
These targets were achieved ahead of schedule.


Became the First U.S. REIT to Issue a Green Bond
We were also the second U.S. Corporation to finance environmentally sustainable projects.


Formal Climate Strategy Work Began

  • Our People


    Hired a Dedicated Internal DEI Resource
    We're focused on creating clarity around our overall goals and commitments and developing the action plans needed to get us there.


    Partnered with Project Destined
    This expanded our early-career outreach and talent diversity efforts.


    Reevaluated Philanthropic Program
    We used this opportunity to identify key ways to advance DEI while investing in our communities.

    Joined MLT’s Black Equity Certification Program
    Regency was the first REIT to receive plan approval under this program, which will help increase diversity across our organization.

    Partnered with University of North Florida
    As we scale up our hiring efforts across traditional channels, this partnership will help expand our early-in-career outreach and talent diversity.


    CEO signs Action for Diversity & Inclusion Pledge
    Lisa Palmer is one of the thirty-one female CEOs in the S&P 500, setting a clear “tone at the top” commitment.

  • Our Communities


    Set New Record with Employee Giving
    Our employees 
    clocked in approximately 3,000 volunteer hours and a record-breaking donation total of roughly $1.7 million. This includes a dollar-for-dollar corporate match of additional charitable donations from our employees.


    Record-Breaking Donations and Volunteer Hours
    We clocked in 1,850 volunteer hours and donations totaling $1.5 million.


    New OuRCommunities Program Recipients Named
    Three organizations will receive financial support:

    • Quigley House, an advocacy and education group focused on survivors of domestic abuse
    • Blessings in a Backpack, an initiative dedicated to food-insecure households requiring assistance outside of school-provided meals
    • Comfort Zone Camp (CZC), a nonprofit bereavement organization for children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, primary caregiver, or person of significance


    Started the OuRCommunities Philanthropy Program
    This effort affords our employees the opportunity to participate in selecting an organization to receive a gift to support a cause that is important to them and that makes a difference in our communities.

  • Ethics & Governance


    Added Board Member with Extensive Experience in Managing ESG Strategy
    The addition of Kristin Campbell enhances the Board’s collective expertise and broadens this knowledge base across Regency’s entire board.


    Reviewed Progress Against ESG Objectives
    Our compensation committee measured both quantitative and qualitative goals, determining that the executive team achieved their objectives in this area.


    Added ESG Compensation Metric
    This was implemented as a key component of our Named Executive Officers’ annual incentive program (valued at 20%).

  • Environmental Stewardship


    Launched Green Building and Green Lease Task Forces
    The building task force will reignite Regency's Green Building Certification Program while the lease task force will advocate with tenants for more robust green lease provisions.


    Developed a Net Zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG Goal
    We also set an interim Science-based goal endorsed by SBTi.


    Introduced Property-Level Climate Risk Reports
    This is now part of our due diligence process for all new investments.


    Developed and implemented the Tenant Sustainability Guide.


    Developed Our Own Green Building Standard
    Our standards ensure all of our construction projects operate more efficiently.


    Set Initial 10-Year Environmental Targets
    These targets were achieved ahead of schedule.


    Became the First U.S. REIT to Issue a Green Bond
    We were also the second U.S. Corporation to finance environmentally sustainable projects.


    Formal Climate Strategy Work Began

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